May Zoom Session- Coming SOON

Official Website
Rockland Westchester Intercollegiate Soccer Officials Association

David Bork
Joe Morda
National Assessor.
David Bork
National Assessor.
Michael Machado
National Assessor.
Galo Trujillo
Local Assessor
Klaus Whitney
Local Assessor.


Our Mision
The mission of RWISOA as a NISOA Chapter is to assist in the development of soccer as a major sport in the United States and to improve the quality of officiating at the college level.
"We strongly recommend every active RWISOA referee to request at least one (1) assessment every two (2) years."...
Click here to request an assessment.
Our Assessment Program
The number one purpose of the RWISOA Assessment Program is to improve the skill level of our referees and to provide our assignors a pool of elite college officials.
All assessments are shared with all local assignors, conferences' officials coordinators, NISOA Region II Coordinator and the NISOA Director of Assessments.
The information and feedback collected from these assessments are used to improve our training and mentoring program.
As described in the RWISOA Inc. Bylaws Aritcle II Section I.4, all Rockland Westchester Intercollegiate Soccer Probationary Officials must pass three (3) field performance assessments in their two (2) years of probation. Two (2) must be while performing as a Referee and one as an Assistant Referee. Referee assessments must be at the high school varsity level or higher, while Assistant Referee assessments must be at the collegiate level or higher (NCAA, NJCAA, College Club, or any collegiate pre-approved by the Executive Board of Directors).
RWISOA Probationary Officials-Assessments Policy
Probationary RWISOA Referees shall contact the RWISOA Director of Assessments and request that an Assessor be assigned to assess his/her game.
The Probationary Referee must already be assigned to the game he/she would like to be assessed prior to contacting the RWISOA Director of Assessments.
Requests for assessment must be submitted fourteen (14) days in advance of the match. Requests made within fourteen (14) days of the game might not be assessed.
For RWISOA Probationary Referees ONLY: You must pay the assessment fee before an assessor is assigned.
The RWISOA Probationary Referee is required to pay a fee to a NISOA Local, Regional or National Assessor in the amount of 1/2 the game fee or $100.00 maximum per game plus tolls.
a) In the event the Assessor is performing an assessment of the Referee and one Assistant Referee, the fee will be:
Referee - 1/2 of the Referee fee or $100.00 max.
AR - $50.
b) In the event the NISOA Assessor is performing assessments on the Referee and both AR's,
the fee is as follows:
Referee - 1/2 the game fee or $100.00 max.
Both ARs - $50.00 for each.
c) In the event the NISOA Assessor is assessing the AR only, the fee will be $50.00 plus tolls.
If the Assessor is required to travel by him/her self the following will apply:
1-50 miles one way No reimbursement
50-100 miles one way $40.00 flat
100-200 miles one way $65.00 flat
NOTE: The Assessor's travel fee plus assessor fee is not to exceed total game fee for the Referee.
National Referees and National Referee Candidates are required to obtain the required number of game assessments for certification or recertification.
As an alternative, you can contact the RWISOA Director of Assessments to find an active National or Regional assessor in your region.